Safety isn't expensive, it's priceless.

Farm Safe Compliance is here to assist farm businesses meet their Occupational Workplace Health and Safety (OH&S) obligations and workplace duties.

Safety compliance greatly minimises the risk of injury or death within the farming industry. Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it!


Farmer, worker or contractor. Safety is everyone's responsibility.

Planting, growing, harvesting and every step in between all have their associated risks. These risks can be assessed and minimised, making way for safer working conditions that will be followed by all who carry out these tasks.

Farm Safe Compliance

Agriculture consistently ranks amongst the most dangerous industries in Australia.

Keeping farmers and their employees safe is our highest priority.

  1. Compliance with Regulations

  2. Compliance with Legislation

  3. A complete Safety Management System

  4. Business Policies

  5. Emergency, Preparedness and Response

  1. Standard Operating Procedures

  2. Emergency Response Procedures

  3. Staff Induction

  4. Contractor Induction

  5. Visitor Induction

  1. Return to Work

  2. On-site Inspections

  3. Safety Advice & Support

  4. Incident Investigations

  5. Grant Applications Support

About Us
Dumaresq Valley, Queensland, Australia